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- Exhaust systems
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Carbon fairing kit
- Extremely light
- Made of high-quality carbon
- Highest quality workmanship
- Visual highlight
- Perfect for changing the look of your motorcycle
- Silk matte surface
- Carbon graphics kit
- Fender
- Splash protection and chainguard
- Ignition lock cover
- Spoiler left
- Spoiler right
- Fuel tank fairing inner side left
- Fuel tank fairing inner side right
- Rear fuel tank fairing
Política de seguridad
Política de entrega
Política de devolución
- Extremely light
- Made of high-quality carbon
- Highest quality workmanship
- Visual highlight
- Perfect for changing the look of your motorcycle
- Silk matte surface
- Carbon graphics kit
- Fender
- Splash protection and chainguard
- Ignition lock cover
- Spoiler left
- Spoiler right
- Fuel tank fairing inner side left
- Fuel tank fairing inner side right
- Rear fuel tank fairing
Data sheet
- Approvals
- Homologation not needed, EC
- Surface (PowerParts)
- Matte finish
- Material (PowerParts)
- Carbon